Exodus 28:19
Among the twelve precious stones on the breast plate of the high priest,
LESHEM לשם is the seventh. No
scholar has been able to find any stone or mineral by that name. According
to best tradition it appears to be (reddish) amber (see note!). Amber is no
mineral, so this precious stone is the only organic gem in the breast plate.
Amber is
the fossilized resin from coniferous trees. Resin dripped from or
oozed down the sides of trees, as well as filling internal fissures. Resin is
exuded by a tree to heal a wound, such as a broken branch, and to protect the
tree from disease and injury inflicted by insects and fungi. It possesses odors
and tastes which both attract and repel insects, and insects are trapped in the
sticky resin. After having come under water for a long time it is washed up as
transparent golden amber on the shores of the Baltic Sea, or of Lebanon or
Sicily or Spain or Romania, or other coasts of the world. The Greeks called
amber elektron — and indeed, amber becomes electrically charged
when rubbed with a cloth and can attract small particles.
is the secret message of this jewel?
is the name written on LESHEM לשם ?
To me
it is very clear that
the Holy Bible there are many lists of the tribes of
According to these two lists of the tribes of
Ephraim was the second son of Joseph, and before his death
Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph. Joseph placed his first born son Manasseh to
the right of his father, and Ephraim to the left. But
Now, this prophecy is quoted by the apostle Paul in Romans
11:25-27: “For I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, of this mystery,
that you may not be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part is
happened to Israel, until the fullness of the nations be come in; and so
all Israel shall be saved. According as it is written, The Deliverer shall come
out of
This reveals the secret plan of GOD, first to take out of the
nations a people for His Name! And after that He will return to
This very truth is also stated by the Bondman of Yeshua
Mashiach James (Jacob), who was a brother of Yeshua according to the flesh. He
reveals the marvelous plan of GOD before the council of apostles and elders in
Here you have LESHEM, לשם “a people for His
Name.” On the stone “for His Name” we expect that the name Ephraim was
engraved. This prophecy belongs to him.
The seed of Ephraim — to whom Hosea prophesied, “Not My
people” shall become “My people, עמי,” and “Not having obtained mercy” shall become “Having obtained
mercy, רחמה” — is the first fruits of all the
nations. This first fruits is the body of Yeshua Mashiach; He is our only Head,
and we members of His body, ONE in HIM. In this one body “there is not Greek
and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bondman,
freeman; but Mashiach is everything, and in all” (Col. 3:11).°
Isn’t it wonderful that Ephraim, which means “double
fruitful,” is placed as the seventh among the tribes of
Because of the affair with the golden calf, GOD chose all who
gathered to Moshe in the gate instead of the first born of all the tribes to do
priestly ministry to Him, even the tribe of Levi. And Moshe in the gate is a
type of Mashiach on the Cross. Everyone, Jew or not Jew according to the flesh,
who stands with Yeshua Mashiach our crucified LORD belongs with Melchizedek to
His priesthood.
The apostle Peter writes to the fellowship of Christians:
“But you are a chosen race, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation, a people for a
possession, that you might set forth the excellencies of Him who has called you
out of darkness to His wonderful light; who once were not a people, but now
GOD’S people; who were not enjoying mercy, but now have found mercy” (1 Peter
2:9-10 quoting Hosea).
But GOD has NEVER broken His covenant with the twelve tribes
of Israel, as He so clearly speaks in Jeremiah 33:19-26: “And the word of YHWH
came to Jeremiah, saying, Thus says YHWH: If you can break My covenant in
respect of the day, and My covenant in respect of the night, so that
there should not be day and night in their season, then shall also My covenant
be broken with David My servant, that he should not have a son to reign upon
his throne; and with the Levites, the priests, My ministers. As the host of the
heavens cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea measured, so will I
multiply the seed of David My servant, and the Levites that minister unto Me.
“And the word of YHWH came to Jeremiah, saying, Have you not
seen what this people have spoken, saying, The two families that YHWH had
chosen, He has even cast them off? And they despise My people, that they should
be no more a nation before them. Thus says YHWH: If My covenant of day and night
stand not, if I have not appointed the ordinances of the heavens and the earth,
then will I also cast away the seed of Jacob, and of David My servant, so as
not to take of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob: for I will turn their captivity, and will have mercy on them.”
The church is not the successor of
Glory, glory to the Holy One! She is His crown. And first our
Mashiach-King must have His crown, then He must have His throne, and
The characteristic of a true Christian is that he loves
Now let us look at the seventh precious stone LESHEM לשם. The (reddish) amber originating from drops of resin from
coniferous trees speaks about the drops of Blood from the Tree of Life,
Yeshua on the Cross. As amber comes out of water, so we have been buried with
Yeshua Mashiach and are raised up with Him as an entirely new creation, like
amber, like the transparent gold of the New Jerusalem (2 Cor. 5:17; Rev. 21:18,
21). We are in Him, in His Sabbatical Rest, He is our Aleph and Tau, our
One and All. Transparent because you see Him alone — so it should be: “No
longer live I, but Mashiach lives in me” (Gal.
We are formed out of Mashiach just like Eve was made out of
Adam. “And YHWH GOD caused a deep sleep to fall upon Man; and he slept. And He
took one of his ribs and closed up flesh in its stead. And YHWH GOD built the
rib that He had taken from Man into a woman; and brought her to
Also the side of Yeshua was opened: “The Jews therefore, that
the bodies might not remain on the cross on the Sabbath, for it was the
preparation, (for the day of that Sabbath was a great day,) demanded of
Pilate that their legs might be broken and they taken away. The soldiers
therefore came and broke the legs of the first and of the other that had been
crucified with Him; but coming to Jesus, when they saw that He was already dead
they did not break His legs, but one of the soldiers pierced His side
with a spear, and immediately there came out blood and water. And he who
saw it bears witness, and his witness is true, and he knows that he says true
that you also may believe. For these things took place that the scripture might
be fulfilled, Not a bone of Him shall be broken. And again another scripture
says, They shall look on Him whom they pierced” (John 19:32-37; Zech.
Mashiach Himself said: “Even as Jonah was in the belly of the
great fish three days and three nights, thus shall the Son of Man be in the
heart of the earth three days and three nights” (Matth. 12:40). When Jonah
praised GOD, the fish spewed him out, and so the grave could not keep the body
of Yeshua Mashiach, praising His Father (Acts
As amber is attractive so the love of Mashiach draws all to
Himself, as He said: “If I be lifted up out of the earth, will draw all to me”
Let us listen to the message of the numerical values of
LESHEM לשם :
The place value P 46 = 2 * 23 is the same as the numerical
value of Levi “united to” YHWH. When Levi was born, his mother Leah exclaimed:
“Now this time my husband will be united to me” (Gen. 29:34).
LE SHEM לשם = ליהוה קדש “Holiness to YHWH” N 460, begotten by His holy Seed (1 John
“Holiness to YHWH” was engraved on the golden plate on the
forehead of the high priest (Ex. 28:36-38). In the Revelation of Yeshua
Mashiach 14:1-5 we see such a first fruits out from all the nations bearing
Name of the Lamb ישוע
and the Name of His Father יהוה
on their foreheads. They are standing with the Lamb before the throne of
GOD praising Him with a new song which no one can sing but only the
Blood-redeemed ones. They are infinitely happy in Him. They have not defiled
themselves with women, for they are virgins — the bride of the Lamb, chaste
like Joseph. “These are they who follow the Lamb wherever He goes” — even into
cruel martyrdom, to be burned alive at the stake. They have been purchased from
men with His precious Blood as first fruits to GOD and to the Lamb — לשם — and in their mouth no
lie was found; for they are blameless. A beautiful bride to the immaculate
What is that new song which they sing? Here you hear
its sound: “You, O Lamb of GOD, are worthy to take the scroll [the deed of the
kingdom], and to break its seals; because You have been slain, and have purchased
for GOD with Your Blood, out of every tribe and tongue and people and
nation, and You have made them to our GOD kings and priests; and they shall
reign over the earth” (Rev. 5:9-10). Exulting in His love she sings: “I
am my Beloved’s, and my Beloved is mine: He feeds [His flock] among the
lilies” (Song of Songs 6:3;
The numerical value N of
is 370. 37 is the Passover Lamb (פסח
N 4 * 37) on the Cross who prayed: “Father, forgive them, for they know
not what they do” (Luke
37 * 10 we are His generation, born of Him, and He is in
us, and we in Him — just like the priests in the tabernacle were
covered by rams’ skins dyed red (= the slaughtered Lamb). Under the curtain of
goats’ hair (= He bore our sins), and under the fine linen interwoven with
threads of blue (→ He is our High Priest) and purple (→ our King)
and blood-red scarlet — so we are in Mashiach, the slaughtered Lamb of
GOD. Over the whole tabernacle there was a covering of dolphins’ skins
illustrating His resurrection from the dead, like a dolphin jumping out of the
water, like amber out of the ocean.
The sum S 416 = 16 * 26 describes the Righteousness of YHWH,
the Righteousness by the Cross. For it pleased YHWH to make Him who knew not
sin a Sin Offering for us, that we might become GOD’S righteousness in Him
(2 Cor. 5:21). His Fruit!
Isaiah prophesied about the fruit of the sacrifice of Yeshua
Mashiach: “Yet it pleased YHWH to bruise Him; He hath subjected Him to
suffering. When You shall make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see a
seed, He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of YHWH shall prosper in His
hand. He shall see of the fruit of the travail of His soul, and shall be
satisfied: by His knowledge shall My righteous Servant instruct many in
righteousness; and He shall bear their iniquities” (Is. 53:10-11). Piercing
words, piercing His heart.
For His Name is YHWH our Righteousness (Jeremiah 23:6;
The difference R 324 = 182 HE IS RISEN! — and
we in Him, as the amber washed ashore from the great ocean, like Jonah
spewed out of the fish, the dolphin jumping out of the water, as you see on the
sky (Delphinus).° So many types of this wonderful truth: we are RISEN WITH
MASHIACH — a new creation in Him, HE alone ALL in us. “If any one be in
Mashiach, he is a new creation; the old things have passed away; behold all
things have become new” (2 Cor.
He arose from the dead and ascended up to heaven, and like
the Northern Fish flies up to heaven,° so we shall be caught up with Him to
heaven, as it is written: “For the Lord Himself, with an assembling shout, with
archangel's voice and with the trumpet of GOD, shall descend from heaven; and
the dead in Mashiach shall rise first; then we, the living who remain, shall be
caught up together with them in clouds, to meet the LORD in the air; and thus
we shall be always with the LORD” (1 Thess. 4:16-18). And again: “Behold, I
tell you a mystery: We shall not all fall asleep, but we shall all be changed,
in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet
shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be
changed” (1 Cor. 15:51-52). From the fig-tree we see that day is very near!!
Then He will lead us to the throne of His Father, and we
shall stand with Him on
“And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing upon
Because she chose to be
לשם, For Him alone!