is a Warrior מלחמה איש יהוה
"YHWH is a
warrior; YHWH is His name. Pharaoh's chariots and his army He has cast into the
sea” (Ex. 15:3-4).
This mighty battle
points forward to a far greater battle, which no man could fight, but YHWH
“In that day YHWH
will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, with His fierce and great and mighty
sword, even Leviathan the twisted serpent; and He will kill the dragon who lives in the sea” (Is. 27:1).
That Leviathan is
the devil himself. By deceiving us to sin against GOD he had taken power over
man; and no man was pure to overcome him, as the sages teach us: “Hear this,
all peoples; give ear, all inhabitants of the world, both low and high, rich
and poor together. My mouth will speak wisdom: — No man can by any means redeem his brother or give to GOD a ransom
for him — for the redemption of his soul is costly, and he should cease trying forever — that he should live
on eternally, that he should not see corruption” (Psalm 49:1-9). No man was
able to deliver us from the bondage of Satan and death.
But GOD had given
man a hope and a sure promise, that the Seed of the Woman shall crush the head
of the serpent (Gen. 3:15). The Seed of the Woman is the Mashiach, the Desire
of all the nations (Hag. 2:7).
It is wonderful to observe how
the deliverance of
1. As He saved the children of Israel from His
judgment over Egypt by their slaughtering the Passover Lamb and putting its
blood on the doorposts and lintel of their houses, so GOD has delivered us from
condemnation for our sins by the blood of His beloved Son on the cross. He is
our true Passover Lamb who took the righteous punishment for our rebellion and
transgressions upon Himself, in order to give us grace and forgiveness instead.
2. As GOD told the Jews to eat all the flesh of the Passover
Lamb roasted with fire in their houses and leave nothing over, so Yeshúa
Mashiach told us: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the
Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves. He who eats my
flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last
day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.
He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the
living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats me,
he also will live because of me” (John
3. In that night the horn sounded, and
the children of
Isn’t it wonderful to observe
that Yeshúa the Son of GOD was crucified and died on the cross on the 14’th of
Abib, exactly on that day and at that hour when the Passover Lamb was
slaughtered, and that Israel passed through the waters of the Red Sea exactly
three days and nights later, at the very time when Yeshúa Mashiach was raised
from the dead? So
"Your Right
Hand, O YHWH, is majestic in power, Your Right Hand, O YHWH, shatters the
enemy” (Ex. 15:6). The Right Hand of YHWH is He who is sitting at the right
hand of YHWH, Psalm 110:1.
How did He overcome
the enemy? “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says YHWH of Hosts”
(Zech. 4:6). The numerical values of “YHWH is a Warrior” reveal the secret of
His victory, not only in the life of Mashiach, but also in the life of
YHWH is a
N 460 =
He is Holiness to YHWH.
This was written on the forehead of the high Priest, and Mashiach, our
High Priest, is Holiness to YHWH in every thought of His heart. He is “united,
joined to, clinging to” YHWH = Levi לוי N
46, and by this He overcame and crushed Leviathan לויתן .
This is the secret
of Mashiach’s victory: “I have set YHWH continually before me; because He is at
my right hand, I will not be shaken” (Psalm 16:8). He always looked up to His Father in faith, being one
with the Father. He said: “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing
of Himself, unless what He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does,
these things the Son also does in like manner” (John 5:19). In the very same
way we more than overcome, as we look up to Him in faith.
His total
submission to the will of His Father we see when He was in the “oil press”
The sin offering had
to be most holy, having no fault. Only Yeshúa could say: “Which one of you
convicts me of sin?” (John 8:46). And indeed, no one could. But more than that,
He knew there was no sin. “We entreat you on behalf of Mashiach, be reconciled
to GOD. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the
righteousness of GOD in Him” (2 Cor.
P 109 = He is the King,
the Son of David, who gave His life for His people.
Pontius Pilate said
to Yeshúa, "So You are a king?" Yeshúa
answered, "You say correctly
that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the
world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my
voice“ (John
He is the faithful
Witness, who died for the Truth and arose, the Prince of the
kings of the earth (Rev. 1:5).
“Pilate then took
Jesus and scourged Him. And the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and
put it on His head, and put a purple robe on Him; and they came up to Him and
said, Hail, King of the Jews! and gave Him slaps in the face. Pilate came out again
and said to them, Behold, I am bringing Him out to you
so that you may know that I find no guilt in Him. Yeshúa then came out, wearing
the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate
said to them, Behold, the Man!“ (John 19:1-5).
“Thus says YHWH,
the Redeemer of Israel and its
Holy One, to the despised One, to the One abhorred by the nation, to
the Servant of rulers: Kings will see and arise, princes will also worship,
because of YHWH who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel who has chosen You”
(Is. 49:7).
Our Passover Lamb
prayed on the cross: “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are
doing” (Luke
And He has given
His true followers His victory, and so we read: “They overcame him [Satan] because
of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they
did not love their life even to death” (Rev. 12:11). Only
because of His blood.
“You say that Yeshúa has
crushed the power of the devil. Then the whole world should be a pardise now. How is that?”
Surely, if men had accepted
His substitute sacrifice and turned around to sin no more, the world would ever
since have been a paradise. But like the children of
And soldier of Mashiach: hide
under the shield of faith; be covered by the blood, and you are invulnerable
and victorious.
We are justified before GOD
because of His blood, — never by anything we do.
S 569 = He is the
Prince of the House of David.
He is the “Head
Stone” N 569 of the holy
They love their
Mashiach with all their heart and do whatever He speaks; they follow the Lamb
wherever He goes. They are His kingly priesthood, His Zion, Rev. 14:1-5.
With the Lion of
Judah they are “terrible as an army with banners?” N 569
(Song of Songs 6:4, 10). “The one who is feeble among them in that day
will be like David, and the house of David will be like GOD, like the Angel of YHWH before them”
(Zech. 12:8).
YHWH is a Warrior, and He reveals Himself in the least little one
who relies on Him. “The
remnant of Jacob will be among the nations, among many peoples like a lion
among the beasts of the forest, like a young lion among flocks of sheep, which,
if he passes through, tramples down and tears, and there is none to rescue” (Micah
None of them is afraid of losing his life, for they gladly suffer
and die with the Lamb, their One and All.
Such an army is
invincible, like the bold Christians in Soviet Russia. Boastful communist
“For your sake we
are being put to death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be
slaughtered. But in all these things we more than conquer through Him who loved
us” (Rom.
They are more than
overcomers in Yeshúa Mashiach. And Mashiach promises them: “He who overcomes,
and he who keeps my deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the
nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter
are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from my Father; and I will give him the Morning Star”
(Rev. 2:26-28; cf. Psalm 2:9). The Bright Morning Star shares His kingly rule
with them.
The dragon rages against
them; with wide open jaws it seeks to swallow them up. But they cast it down
out of lower heaven praising the Lamb for His victory, and they are caught up
to the throne of GOD, to the marriage of the Lamb (Rev. 12:3-5).
R 351 = 33*13 = He was driven by
the Spirit of GOD’S love in all;
and so are His witnesses. This is their power, their impulse and passion.
"The Spirit of
the LORD YHWH is upon me, because the YHWH has anointed me to bring good news
to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim
liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners; to proclaim the favorable year of
YHWH” (Is. 61:1-2; Luke 4:18-19).
So the Son of GOD
walked around and declared the love of His Father to everyone whom He met. The
whole Gospel bears witness to that. The brokenhearted were healed and
encouraged, the selfrighteous hated and persecuted Him, but He loved them back.
Also for them He prayed on the cross: “Father, forgive them.” Also for them He
gave His life, that they might repent and be saved.
“He has made my
mouth like a sharp sword, in the shadow of His hand He has concealed me; and He
has also made me a sharpened arrow, He has hidden me in His quiver” (Is. 49:2).
What a flaming Witness! His words in love pierced the hearts.
LORD YHWH has given me the tongue of the learned, that I may know how to
sustain the weary one with a word” (Is. 50:4). Also Isaiah 42:1-4. The high court in
“He will deliver
the needy when he cries for help, the afflicted also, and him who has no
helper. He will have compassion on the poor and needy, and the lives of the
needy He will save. He will redeem their soul from oppression and violence, and
their blood will be precious in His sight” (Psalm 72:12-14).
He never opened His
mouth to defend Himself. “He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He did not
open His mouth; like a lamb that is led to slaughter, and like a sheep that is
silent before its shearers, so He did not open His mouth” (Is. 53:7). But He is
the swift “Messenger, Defender” (S 351 Job 33:23) for everyone who puts his
trust in Him. Romans 8:33-34.
By His intercession
Satan, “the accuser of our brethren,” is defeated and cast down, and
Thus, by His blood,
His little troop casts down Satan, by praise and intercession.
So beautiful is the
description: “The Angel of GOD, who had been going before the camp of
This is the
revolution which the world needs: the revolution of the love of GOD. But it can
only be fought with the weapons of light and truth by such who walk in the