So many call themselves
Christians, but are NOT, because not El Shadday, but their own self is ruling.
Nor do they follow the Lamb.
Whole churches, who
proclaim that they are the only true church leading to heaven, have persecuted
the Jews in murderous ways. Just think of the Inquisition! How could any Jew
ever accept such a Messiah whose church has persecuted his people with such a hatred?
Be it known to all: that church
has also burnt alive the true witnesses of Yeshua Mashiach who proclaimed the
pure Word of GOD.
I have a big book: The bloody Theatre or The Martyrs‘
Mirror of the Defenseless Christians, by Thieleman J. van Braght (A.D. 1660), having 1157 large pages
with two columns tightly printed, — as well as other authentic books —
describing how the true humble witnesses of Yeshua were tortured to death,
being burnt alive at the stake, or in other devious ways, as they declared
their love to their LORD and to their enemies.
That church, which is
sitting as a queen on her throne over the nations, dressed in purple and
scarlet, with whom the kings of the earth make courtship seeking her blessing
(Re. 17:1-6), is the greatest offence for the Gospel of Yeshua Mashiach.
Everyone can read about the terrible judgment of El Shadday upon that church,
and churches like that, in Revelation chapter 18. The hardest judgment will
come upon hypocrites.
Yeshua Mashiach warns us:
„Beware of false prophets, who come to you
in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. By their fruits
you shall know them“ (Matthew
Both Yeshua Mashiach and
all His disciples in the whole New Testament testify the Gift of GOD with
such a love to the Jewish people first of all, and then to the nations.
(Just read Romans 9:1-5.) They never used the sword, not even to
defend themselves, although most of these humble witnesses were persecuted and
killed for their declaration of the love of GOD.
The characteristic of a
true Christian is that he loves the Jews with the love of GOD. „But if any man has not the Spirit of Mashiach, he
is none of His“ (Romans 8:9). Yeshua Mashiach’s heart is
burning in love to
little flock of Yeshua has always loved the Jews. They are true followers of the Lamb of GOD who went to the slaughter, and every one lays down his life for his brother
in love — else he is no Christian. During the persecution by Hitler many
Christians in various nations risked and gave their lives to protect the Jews.
By one of these — Johannes Thalitzer — I came to the faith.
we love the King of the Jews, of course we will also love His people with His
love. We are called to bless
if the King of the Jews is sitting on the throne of our hearts, we also belong
to His Israel. By faith we are grafted into the true olive tree — like Ruth the
Moabitess into the House of David. Grace upon Grace! Hallelujah! (Isaiah 56:6-8; John 10:16; Ephesians 2:19-22; 3:6; Romans 11:17,